Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today I'm going to write about something a blog about decoration and the beautiful things in life shouldn't be about: Flärke. Flärke lives in our kitchen. He's Billy's little brother. And he's Swedish. We got Flärke for 15 € and he made his way into our home even though he's not white (kinda racist huh). You have to know that when moving into a new apartment, French kitchens are usually just empty (unlike in good ol' Switzerland) and we were lucky that there were some cupboards in ours already, but not enough. Since we have a kosher kitchen which means a lot of dishes, we had to buy shelves for our groceries. They shouldn't be larger than the side of our fridge, and most shelves were too big. Flärke was just right. But: Flärke was open and everyone in our living room could see it through the beautiful lattice window of our kitchen door. This is how we saved Flärke: My mother came to visit a few days ago and sew this very nice shabby curtain. She loves crafting and our country house back home is full of her little treasures.

The dark blue and white plaid hearts have little white heart buttons in the middle. Adorable!

I attached one of my herb cones on the Flärke's side (note: this background is unfortunately NOT Flärke). They are made out of old French recipe books (here: Boeuf à la mode) and contain rosemary and bay leaves from the Provence.

My mother also made this wonderful stuffed heart for me.

And I gave her in return some of the crafts I made recently.

It was so much fun to make those two sachets. One contains white and brown sugar with cinnamon and there's an anise star and a vintage recipe card with "Charlotte de pomme" attached to it. The other one contains salt with herbs and is decorated with a "Veau rôti" recipe card and some rosemary.

One of my white stuffed HOME hearts and a "musical" lavender sachet.

I have an autumnal recipe suggestion for you that ou MUST try. Those Cinnabuns were one of the best things I have ever eaten in my life!

Love, Chani

P.S.: Thank you for your comments, I'm so glad to be accepted so easily into the blogger community! It's a pleasure to meet such kind and amazingly creative people.


  1. Wie lieb von deiner Mama, für euch so schöne Dinge zu nähen! Dein Dankeschöngeschenk an sie ist aber auch wundervoll! Die Salz- und Zuckersäckchen finde ich ganz besonders zauberhaft!
    Mmmhh, und die Zimtschnecken sehen sehr lecker aus!
    Liebe Grüsse

  2. Hallööchen,
    sehr schöne Dekotütchen mit Rosmarin und die Salz/Zuckerpäckchen sind toll. Oh, und die Bilder aus dem lezten Post gefallen mit auch super gut...
    Wünsche noch einen schönen Tag
    GLG Bine

  3. hmmmm...dia zimtschnecka...muass i unbedingt amol probiara!
    und fliessig bisch/sinder gsi! so wunderhübschi sächali sind entstanda!
    toll gmacht!
    herzlichi grischagrüassli, carla
